Web Developer

I develop custom web applications for businesses or individuals. My main tools of choice are ReactJS/NextJS and TailwindCSS

Lawe Sosah


Here are a handful of my projects


Kona Equity Premium Page Redesign

This project was a redesign of Kona Equity's premium page with the aim of boosting paying conversions. Together with a talented designer, I implemented this design with NextJS and TailwindCSS. There was a 25% increase in sales within the first month alone!

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Realtime Flight Tracker web app

November Romeo is a web app that is useful for aviation enthusiasts, travelers, and anyone interested in tracking flights in real-time. It demonstrates the use of popular web development frameworks and APIs to create a modern, interactive, and responsive web application.that tracks commercial flights in real-time using data from the OpenSky Network API. The app displays a world map that updates flight positions every five seconds. The map is built using Mapbox GL JS, and the application is built using React and Next.js. Users can interact with the map by dragging and zooming to view flights from different regions.

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Headless Content Management System with MERN Stack

This is a fullstack Headless CMS that I built to help manage personal projects and client projects. I built it with the intention of being fully plug and be able to connect and manage content on React/NextJS projects. I chose to make one instead of using an existing one like Wordpress in order to cover my specific needs as a developer

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Restaurant App with API and admin CMS

I built this Restaurant app with NextJS TailwindCSS. The app features an in-built CMS built in NodeJS and Express. It demonstrates different animation libraries and several backend and frontend tools.

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Fully responsive Smoothie bar landing page with unique UI features. This was built in NextJS with TailwindCSS and Typescript. It also includes several animations using framer-motion, a lightweight animation library.

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Ecommerce WebApp with Python and Django

This django build was a full stack ecommerce platform, that was to be implemented by a local busieness. It features a neat UI, Paypal payment integration, a blog, the ability to add reviews, a fully built Admin console/CRM, and loads of other features.

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Full stack Blog Application with Admin CMS

Cartopia is a fullstack blog application featuring a responsive design and an Admin CMS with full CRUD functionality. It allows selected users or authors to be able to edit site features and blog posts. It also features a functional rich text editor to markup the blog posts.

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This is an Awesome COVID-19 tracker, built with React,that pulls data from an API. It was built in conjunction with the guys over at Clever programmer, Naz Dumansky and Sonny Sangha. It has insightful information, a live map showing cases per country, and graphs, that show live data as well. I definitely learned a lot through this build

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Airbnb Clone NextJS TailwindCSS

This is an Awesome airbnb clone built with NextJS and TailwindCss. It was part of a 5 day coding challenge and actually got featured on day 3! It implements some search functionality, vercel hosting, a mock detail page replica, and a working date picker. This was quite an enjoyable build

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Amazon CLone with NextJS TailwindCSS and FakestoreAPI

This is an Amazon clone built with React and NextJS, as well as Redux for state management, NextAuth and Firebase for Authentication, and Firestore

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A Bit About Me

My name is Lawe Sosah and I specialize in building fully responsive, dynamic websites that provide an intuitive user experience. My experience with React.js and Next.js has enabled me to create feature-rich websites and apps that are optimized for performance and compatibility. Additionally, my experience with Django allows me to create secure, maintainable applications.

Tailor Made Solutions

Whether it's a simple landing page or an admin dashboard, all my services are fully customizable and tailor made to suit you


Let's get in touch

Hi! I would be pleased to have a chat with you. Feel free to send me a message below, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks.


Blog(coming soon)

Why NEXTJS, Why TailwindCSS? Build a WhatsApp clone with Me and find out

Come along with me as I build a WhatsApp web clone to show you why I enjoy using NextJS and TailwindCSS so much!

Lawe Sosah 2022. Site built with NextJS and TailwindCSS